Contractor and tools in the back of a truck

Home Improvement Referral Program

Shoreham Bank is proud to be your home improvement lender. We look forward to supporting your continued growth and success as a member of our Home Improvement Referral Program. In order to begin working together, we are required to maintain a record of some basic information about your company. Please submit the information below to get started. If you have questions, please call us at 800-223-1700 ext. 220 or contact us today.

Note: Please select "N/A" under the loan officer section below if you are not currently working with a loan officer. 

Referral Type

Referral Type

Contractor Financial Planner Mortgage Broker Recruiter Realtor Manufacturer Other

Do you currently offer financing?

Do you currently offer financing?

Yes No
How did you hear about us?

How did you hear about us?

Facebook Google Other

I/We hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and understanding. I/We hereby authorize Shoreham Bank and its assigns to conduct a public record background check at any time and for any reason. Shoreham Bank also reserves the right to terminate this referral relationship at any time.
By providing this information, Shoreham Bank does not and shall not be construed to establish a joint venture, agency relationship or other form of business association between this referral partner and Shoreham Bank.

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