Keeping Your Information Safe

As technology grows, it is crucial to keep your information safe and secure. Safeguarding your information is more important than it has ever been.

The simplest way to keep your information safe is to use strong passwords. When asked to create a new password for a website or account, try to use a randomized password that you have never used before. Diversifying your passwords makes it much more difficult for hackers to get into your accounts. Understandably, it will be difficult to remember all the different passwords you make, an easy solution to this problem is to use a password manager. A password manager allows you to securely save all of your passwords conveniently in one place. To create a password, you should use either the password manager’s randomizer function or learn to create a passphrase. A passphrase is a sequence of words with a number and/or symbol, whereas a normal password is typically one word with a number and symbol. Making your passwords longer makes your accounts more secure.

Another way to keep your information safe is to be cautious with whom you share personal details with. Phone numbers can be “spoofed” or faked by someone who wants to get your information. Make sure to confirm who you are speaking to before providing any personal details.

As social media grows, so does the exposure of personal information. By limiting who can view and interact with your pages, you can avoid possible phishing attempts. Phishing has grown in recent years as Social Engineering has come to light. Social Engineering is when hackers will manipulate humans rather than using typical hacking techniques to gain data. Instead of hacking into someone’s account, a social engineer may pose as an employee to trick someone into simply providing them information.

Taking the following simple steps can save you from a lot of worry in the future, as keeping your passwords and information secure keeps you safe.

At Shoreham, we prioritize the security of your personal information. Please take the following steps to ensure your privacy with Shoreham Bank:

  • Be aware of suspicious emails, messages, and phone calls. Shoreham Bank will never ask for your username, password, PIN, or other sensitive information over an email or text message. Make sure you verify the authenticity of the sender before clicking any links or providing any information that is not public.
  • Never use your Social Security number in a username or password. Don’t give out this information to just anyone who asks. Keeping your Social Security number safe is crucial.
  • Avoid using any public information in your password. For example, if people can find your dog’s name online, you should not use it in your passwords.
  • Ensure all websites that you submit information to are secure. Typically, the site will have a valid certificate, a lock symbol, and a message that says, “connection is secure.”
  • Keep all of your information up to date so we can contact you if needed.
  • Use secure networks, you should try to avoid free Wi-Fi networks.

Today, keeping personal information safe is not only a priority but a necessity. Cyber threats are evolving, and it is crucial to be proactive in securing your personal data. Implementing the steps above will help reduce the risk of having your information stolen. By staying informed and taking the preventative steps, you can keep your information safe and secure.